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Showing posts from February, 2023

Ash Wednesday - the beginning of our Lenten Journey

Today is the start of our Lenten journey. We marked this special day through a liturgy for EYFS and KS1 and an Ash Wednesday Mass for the KS2.     Every child in the school, from nursery to Year 6, received their ashes today, understanding that we turn to Jesus to put things right and that we are assured of his love.  It was wonderful to be able to fill St Joseph's with our juniors.  This was a beautifully moving Mass & Father Nigel, commented on the very tangible prayerfulness of our children. They take their liturgy seriously and are so keen to engage. I was so very proud of them and have been around to each class to tell them since we have arrived back. Our children in Year 5 & 6 carried out their ministry of the Word so well and with such dignity  and the singing at the end was beautiful! 'Jesus you can use my hands'  by Dan Callow (One Life Music) is fast becoming one of our favourite hymns.  Thank you to our friends in Year 4 for leading us in signing this to


Apologies - it has been some time since I have used the 'Blogger' facility to communicate but I am keen to re-open this channel of communication. I hope that everyone has experienced a refreshing half term break ... or maybe even a busy one if that is what you prefer. On a personal level, I have been to visit my eldest son at Manchester and have enjoyed some catch up TV and some audio books whilst also spending some time in the garden, sorting out the greenhouse and pond ready for the season ahead. It has been good to spend time with family, even if we are in the middle of the tensions of GCSE revision for my middle son! Life is so busy for all of us. And as we return, we will soon enter the liturgical season of Lent . The school has 'gone purple' in preparation! Ash Wednesday (22nd Feb) marks the start of Lent. Fr Nigel has kindly agreed to put on an extra Mass so that pupils in KS2 can attend and receive their ashes (parents are all welcome at 11 am) and pupils in EY